Audiences Served

Company Meetings

Women’s Groups
Caregiver Associations
Choose from one of these sample talks to be customized for your audience or work with Jessica to create something new.

This is How We Do It
We all know somebody we look at and say, “I don’t know how you do it.” Based on interviews with dozens of people for my podcast, "I don't know how you do it," and my own experience as a working mom to three kids, one of whom had a rare degenerative disease, I share insights and strategies that enable people to thrive in extraordinary circumstances. Part storytelling, part practical ideas, and part inspiration, the audience leaves knowing that they can do it, too, whatever
their "it" is.

I’m Not a Doctor But I Play One at Home: The Family View
What’s it like to receive a rare-disease diagnosis? How does it feel to go from layperson to disease expert, knowing even more than the doctors who care for your child? Geared for medical students and professionals, pharmaceutical companies, and others who work in patient-care environments, this talk shines a light on the personal side of medicine, providing insights into the challenges, triumphs, and emotional complexity of the family caregiver journey.

Beyond Shiva: Managing Grief Over Time
How do the Jewish rituals around death and grief ground us? What can we learn about ourselves and our community from the way we treat the deceased and the grievers? Similar to "Grace in Grief," but explored through a Jewish lens, this talk covers the different kinds of grief and the different feelings that arise over the course of loss -- those that are expected as well as the ones that surprise us. The audience will learn about the beauty of shiva as well as some of the pitfalls, and find out how to show up for people in their life experiencing loss.

The Mother of All Advocacy: Championing our Children’s Needs
We all want to advocate for our children, but the need to do so becomes more urgent when our children have medical or special needs. How do we build partnerships with schools and medical practitioners? How can we overcome fear and learn to find our advocacy voice? We’ll explore strategies to ensure our children’s needs are met with compassion, understanding, and support.

Cultivating Creativity
Creativity reduces stress, decreases anxiety, and even helps our immune system. Sounds pretty great, right? But getting started can feel daunting. In this talk, I provide inspiration and practical ideas, tackling issues like finding time, acting "as if," and getting rid of limiting beliefs. Based on decades of experience, including more than 20 years running a creative services team for a global billion-dollar company, publishing 2 books and more than 100 columns and essays, and hosting a podcast, I share the strategies that bring creative ideas to life.

Grace in Grief
Grief is one of the most universal things that exists, and yet as a society it makes us uncomfortable and awkward. Why? How can we show up for people we love as they travel through loss? What exactly is ambiguous grief and how is it different from anticipatory grief? This talk illuminates multiple aspects of grief, the myth of the five stages, and provides insights into what to say and do – and what not to say and do – to support others in grief.

Nurturing Resilience: The Complexity of Medical Parenting
This insightful and empathetic talk delves into the challenging journey of parenting medically complex children. How do we handle social isolation? How can we nurture our whole family when one member requires so much care and attention? And how do we navigate complex health care? Creating a compassionate and understanding space for parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike, we’ll explore the emotional toll on the whole family unit and discuss actionable strategies for parents and those who want to support them.

Juggling With Joy
It’s one thing to juggle work and parenting in the best of times. But how do we do it when extra challenges develop, which they inevitably do? We’ll explore the myth of having it all, delve into practical strategies to keep as many balls in the air as possible and to recover when they fall to the ground, and figure out how to inject joy into your personal and professional pursuits.